Case study

Delivery Rooms in Herning

The Challenge

The main vision of the Regionshospitalet Gødstrup hospital is to be the patient’s hospital. That’s why they emphasize efficiency, competitiveness, quality consciousness, and well-being of all the people that arrive. And we were there to help!

About Regionshospitalet Gødstrup

Regionshospitalet Gødstrup is a Central and West Jutland’s (Denmark) new major hospital. It opened in 2022.

Our Danish partner AV CENTER took care of the project implementation.

Our Resolution

Our control panels have become an integral part of their highly modern sensory delivery rooms. These are based on creating a pleasant atmosphere during childbirth with the help of both speakers and projectors displaying natural motifs from different seasons. These motifs can be changed, the light intensity can be adjusted and so much more can be done – all by the use of our touch panels.

In cooperation with nature photographer Morten Hilmer and laser light-based projectors from Epson, we created a safe space for expectant mothers and their relatives. The unforgettably important atmosphere is completely in their hands from now on!

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