We make your life easier in
Shopping malls
Commercial galleries
Business centers
Enhance the shopping experience at malls, commercial galleries, and business centers with our intuitive navigation and kiosk solutions. Visitors can effortlessly navigate through the mall using our user-friendly indoor navigation. The kiosk displays floor plans and directions, and a QR code opens a multilingual mobile navigation app, aiding in finding specific destinations. Color-coded store availability, opening hours, and remaining time information assist in planning shopping routes. Advertisements can be showcased on the kiosk during inactive periods.
Visitors enjoy seamless navigation without the need for app installations or login details. The system is customizable, allowing tailored information for each location. IT and facility management have full control, ensuring flexibility and cost-effective management. Whether deployed as a cloud-based SaaS solution or on-premises, our system adapts to your needs, providing a dynamic and engaging environment for visitors.

Upon arrival, our navigation system guides visitors seamlessly from the car park to their desired destination. Simply scan the nearest QR code, choose a destination, and receive clear, step-by-step directions.

Technical infrastructure
Centralized control of on/off modes for all display panels, navigation kiosks, and lighting throughout the shopping center ensures efficient management and creates a seamless and synchronized environment for an enhanced shopping experience.

Back office management
Empower your shopping center’s management team with our efficient back-office solutions. Explore the full range of features and enhance your operational efficiency.
Our reservation system enables your employees to effortlessly reserve parking spaces, workstations, meeting rooms, and other shared resources.